ZOMBOOBIES: The Japanese-American horror movie where zombies crave boobs, not brains
by Fran Wrigley
The movie makers are asking for funds on crowdfunding site Kickstarter, and at the time of this writing $4,275 has been pledged, leaving the project pretty far off its $99,000 goal with only two weeks to go. Let’s take a look at the wacky trailer in full, and see if we can size up the movie’s chances of actually being made.
The movie, which is supposedly set in the world of Japanese horror, also has a Japanese title: oppai-zuki zombi, or “boob-loving zombies”, which like all the best translated movie titles, pretty much explains the plot entirely. They seem to be taking the boob quota seriously, anyway:
The movie will be in English, although the dialog in the trailer is mostly in Japanese, which leads to some inspired and entertaining subtitling:
Japanese netizens appeared mystified by the trailer, and equally by the claim that it is a homage to Japanese cinema:
“There are already so many sexy zombie movies – this one’s not doing anything new!”Although a minority seemed to show approval (maybe?):
“Where’s the zombie component?!”
“No-ones gonna watch this except weird fanatics…”
“How embarrassing for Japan.”
“ZOMBOOBIES lolololololol.”A monetary pledge on Kickstarter can get you one of a number of rewards, ranging from a digital HD download of the finished movie, to a role in the movie itself (“sexy nurse”, anyone?). So if you think the world needs more zombies, more boobs, or just more American B-movies based on those two things, check out the ZOMBOOBIES! THE MOVIE Kickstarter page.
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