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Friday, 14 March 2014

Terrific Short: GIFT

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A son confronts the resentment towards his father only to realise his true intentions

A Singapore short film about a strained relationship between a father and his son has been trending on social media with almost 400,000 views in six days.

Uploaded on 6 March 2014, the seven-minute film opens with a “Mr Lim” who has never been proud of his father because dad has always been poor and unsuccessful in life. After his father’s death, the son discovers what he never knew – the reach of his father’s generosity towards others and the joy he brought into their lives.

And that is when he finally understands his father’s message to him as a boy that “being rich is not about how much you have, but how much you can give”.

The film was produced for the Singapore Community Chest (Comchest) and Michael Chua, the actor who portrayed the father, said in his blog that Comchest initially wanted a corporate presentation, but they were convinced to use Daniel Yam’s short film instead.

Chua previously starred in another short film, ‘Hentak Kaki’, which is also a moving piece on an army officer contemplating his career.

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